Which Technology Was Originally Predicted by a Science Fiction Writer? - American Author House Blog
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Which Technology Was Originally Predicted by a Science Fiction Writer?

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  • May 8, 2023
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  • 5 min read


Science fiction has always been a source of inspiration for technological advancements. Many of the gadgets and technologies we take for granted today were once the imaginings of science fiction writers. From Jules Verne’s submarines to Arthur C. Clarke’s communication satellites, science fiction writers have often been at the forefront of predicting and inspiring technological innovation. In this article, we will explore which technologies were originally predicted by a science fiction writer.

Science Fiction Book

Science fiction writers have often imagined technologies that were considered impossible or improbable during their time but have since become a reality. These predictions have influenced scientists and engineers to turn these imaginative concepts into real-world inventions.

The World Wide Web

The World Wide Web

In his science fiction book “The City and the Stars,” Arthur C. Clarke made the first prediction about the World Wide Web. In the book, he wrote about a huge network of computers worldwide that could talk to each other. Clarke also thought that people would be able to get information without having to type in long lines of numbers. He called this idea “hypertext.”

Isaac Asimov, a science fiction writer, wrote an article called “Pebble in Time” in 1945. In it, he talked about how people would one day use computers to make an encyclopedia of everything people know. It was one of the first times someone wrote about a thought like this, and its influence can still be seen today.



Arthur C. Clarke was a British science fiction writer known for coming up with many new ideas and inventions. He was right about the Internet, the geostationary satellite, and many other things we use today.

In 1946, Clarke’s first short story, “Rescue Party,” came out in the magazine Astounding Science Fiction. This made him well-known. His first book, Prelude to Space, came out in 1948. During this time, he also wrote as a freelancer for UNESCO and many magazines and newspapers worldwide.

Stanley Kubrick turned Clarke’s most famous work, 2001: A Space Odyssey, into a movie in 1968. Keir Dullea played astronaut David Bowman in the film. Bowman travels into space on the Discovery spacecraft, where he meets HAL 9000, an artificial intelligence computer, and learns about its true nature. After meeting an alien monolith on Jupiter’s moon Europa, Bowman returns to Earth. Clarke’s short story “The Sentinel,” published in Playboy magazine in 1956 as “Sentinel of Eternity,” inspired the movie. A professional business specializing in assisting writers in writing and publishing their books is known as a American Author House.



Arthur C. Clarke, who recently died at the age of 90, was known for being able to predict many things before they happened. (He thought of the Internet and the geostationary satellite.) He also wrote about the iPad and FaceTime in his 1968 book, “2001: A Space Odyssey.”The scene takes place in a space station that is orbiting Saturn. Astronaut David Bowman is trying to talk to mission control on Earth. He uses a videophone, which wasn’t even a thing when he was born. People often say that Clarke’s work is prophetic because he knew a lot about physics and astronomy.

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Science fiction writer Jules Verne originally predicted the telephone. In his 1865 novel Paris in the Twentieth Century, he described a device that allowed two people to talk to one another over long distances.

Verne wrote that the telephone would be invented by a man named Tivrink, who lived in Cincinnati. The device was called a “phonautograph,” and it worked by sending vibrations through wires connected to a receiver in another location. The phonautograph wasn’t invented until 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell applied for his patent on the telephone.

Video Games

One of the most popular science fiction writers of all time is Isaac Asimov. His books are considered classics in the genre, and he was one of the first authors to predict many technologies we now take for granted.

Asimov’s first book, The Foundation Trilogy, was published in 1951. In it, he predicts several technologies that would become commonplace years later: video games, virtual reality, robots and artificial intelligence.

Atomic bomb

H.G. Wells first predicted the atomic bomb in his 1914 book The World Set Free. In the novel, Wells imagined a new weapon that would release vast amounts of energy from matter. This “atomic bomb” would be powerful enough to destroy entire cities but could also be used for peaceful purposes like generating electricity.

Wells’ prediction was purely speculative then; he was writing before the discovery of the atom or its nucleus, much less nuclear fission and fusion. But his vision proved remarkably prescient when physicists began thinking seriously about harnessing atomic energy in the 1930s and 1940s.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones are one of the most popular inventions of the past century. They are used by an estimated 5 billion people worldwide and have become a crucial part of everyday life.

But did you know that mobile phones were predicted by science fiction author Stanley G. Weinbaum in 1934?

Weinbaum wrote a story called Pygmalion’s Spectacles, describing a pair of goggles that would allow people to see something happening in the past or future. The goggles were so advanced that they could even view distant planets. The idea behind this story was to show how technology can change our lives in unimaginable ways. But what if we’re already living in an age where these goggles exist? Mobile phones are an example of technology changing our lives in unimaginable ways. If you need proof, just remember how your life changed once you got your first smartphone.


An integral part of science fiction is the prediction of future technologies. Science fiction authors attempt to accurately portray what science and technology might look like in the future, and sometimes these imaginings become a reality. As you can see, some great sci-fi writers anticipated many technological advances that we enjoy today, and perhaps, even more, will follow suit.

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