How To Describe Looking At Someone In Writing
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How To Describe Looking At Someone In Writing

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  • September 16, 2023
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  • 7 min read


Every small element in the world of writing gives the story more life and depth, especially when exploring historical books. You’re not just painting a picture when you talk about looking at someone; you’re also giving characters depth, setting tones, and making people feel things.

Let’s see in the article how to describe looking at someone in writing.

Why Describing Looks Matter in Writing

The main point of writing is to share memories. To make readers feel like they are a part of the story, writers correctly describe how one character looks at another. It’s not just about how someone looks; it’s also about how they feel and what their story is. Have you ever felt sad when reading about a figure whose eyes were down, as often depicted in children’s books. That’s how powerful a good description can be.

The Basics of Describing a Look

As per American Author House, it’s important to know the basics of describing looking if you want to really hook your reader.

The Significance of Facial Features

Each face shows a different set of feelings, stories, and events. The shape of your lips, the arch of your forehead, or the depth of your wrinkles can show a lot about your life. Your words about a character’s hooked nose or dimpled cheeks tell the reader about their family history, past, and personality.

Expressions and Their Meanings

A phrase or word can say a lot. A frown is more than just a mouth turned down; it can mean sadness, worry, or thought. A look with wide eyes can also mean surprise, fear, or interest. By catching these subtleties, you let readers guess how you feel without saying it directly.

Peeling the Layers: Beyond the Face

Looking is more than just making faces. An in-depth account looks at all of the body language.

Body Language: Posture and Gestures

How someone stands can tell you a lot about them. Hands-on hips could be a sign of rebellion or impatience, while a hunched back could make you feel low in self-esteem or heavy. Keep these quiet but telling clues in mind when you describe looking at someone.

The Power of the Eyes

People often say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. When you’re writing, your eyes are your most powerful tool. If you describe looking at a character’s focused gaze or the way their eyes dart around, you can get a sense of how they look.

Descriptive Tools Every Writer Should Use

To breathe life into your descriptions, consider these vital tools.

Metaphors and Similes

Instead of just telling the facts, why not compare them? describe looking at someone’s eyes as “pools of molten chocolate” or “sharp as an eagle spotting its prey.” These comparisons help people understand and feel what you’re saying.

Active Verbs and Powerful Adjectives

The word “looked” is passive and not very interesting. But the terms “glared,” “gazed,” and “observed” give more information. Adjectives can also add taste. How about “enchanting azure eyes” instead of “pretty eyes”?

Tips to Engage the Reader

Engagement is what you want to achieve. Then how do you keep their attention?

Writing in the Moment

Using the present tense to describe looking as it happens makes the reader feel like they are in the scene. It makes your work feel more immediate and important.

Setting the Atmosphere

Adding a scene can help your story sound better. Is the room not very well-lit, making the character’s face look dark? Or is it the sun that’s making their eyes sparkle? Setting the mood gives the look you’re talking about more meaning.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

It can be tricky for writers to find the right words to describe looking at something. Going wrong is easy. But don’t worry; half the fight is knowing what to avoid.

It’s not clear enough

“She looked upset” is a statement. Why, though? What about her? It looked like she was upset. It could have been her clenched teeth or the wrinkle on her forehead. Always try to add that one more thing that makes the scene come alive when you’re writing. Being specific will help you a lot.

Too much detail

On the other hand, there is too much. There shouldn’t be too many adjectives or too much information for your readers to handle. Balance is very important. Check yourself: “Does this part of the story move it along?” Does it make me a better person?” If not, it might be best not to say it.

Examples of Describing a Look in Literature

describe looking as an old skill. Authors have gotten better at it over time, giving us lessons from the past and the present to learn from.

Old references

Take Elizabeth Bennet from “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. Not only did her “fine eyes” show how beautiful she was, but they also showed how smart, funny, and kind she was. This kind of simple but powerful description stays with readers and paints a clear picture.

Takes today

Describe has changed over time in modern writing to mean more than just how something looks. The authors go deep into emotional settings, mixing psychological depth with physical traits. For example, a character’s “tired eyes” could mean that they haven’t slept in a while or that they are carrying a big load.

Practice Makes Perfect

Getting good at describing things? Do it again and again!

Ways to get better at describing things: First, look in the mirror. Not only what you see but also how you feel should be described. Now talk to people nearby, like in a park or coffee shop. Try to talk about what they mean to you. Your descriptions will get better and more detailed over time. Read a paragraph from your best book and then rewrite it with your own words. This is another great exercise.

Main Attributes and Elaborate Information

Section Key Points Details
The Basics of Describing a Look Understanding the Essentials Importance of knowing how to effectively describe looks to engage readers.
Significance of Facial Features Conveying Emotion & History How different facial features can tell a character’s past and emotions.
Expressions & Their Meanings Understanding Subtleties How small changes in expression convey complex emotions and thoughts.
Beyond the Face Body Language Importance of posture and gestures in revealing character traits and feelings.
The Power of the Eyes Window to the Soul Describing eyes to convey deep emotions and the essence of a character.
Descriptive Tools Metaphors, Similes, Active Verbs, and Adjectives How to use various linguistic tools to enhance descriptions.
Tips to Engage the Reader Writing Techniques Strategies to keep the reader engaged with present tense and atmospheric details.
Common Mistakes Over-Simplification & Over-Detailing What to avoid when describing looks in writing.


It takes a lot of skill to write about how someone looks. If you give your readers too little, you leave them hanging. Too much could be too much for them to handle. The hard part is finding the right mix.

Watch how the pros do it and keep at it, and soon, you’ll be able to describe looking at someone without just talking about how they look but also how they make you feel. Isn’t that what good writing is all about?

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