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How To Plan Your Book The Right Way: A Post About Book Publishing?

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  • March 10, 2023
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  • 6 min read


Being an author can transform your life and offer you the power to influence tens of thousands or even millions of people with just a pen and paper. However, writing a book is not that easy; you don’t just have to put your ideas onto paper. There is a lot that goes into book writing and publishing, and you need to ensure that all the elements are in place to write an amazing book. 

When you run out of ideas, become disinterested in your own message, become sidetracked, or feel overburdened by the size of the undertaking, you may feel tempted to stop writing your book or publishing it.

However, with a perfect plan, everything is possible, and so is book writing and publishing. You need to plan your book so that you don’t run out of ideas. Do you want to learn how you can do that? Then this post is for you. In this guide, American Author House will teach you how you can plan your book the right way.

Draw A Mind Map

Start by creating a mind map by drawing lines from your main concept to each connected concept, then lines from each linked concept to other related concepts.

Continue to think of examples from the real world that relate to these concepts. What about facts, quotations, case studies, or media reports? Include all of this In your mind map.

You’ll forget them if you don’t, so include reminders to look things up or to phone someone about their experience.

Settle On A Big Idea

Your concept must be brilliant in order to be book-worthy. You must write on a subject that truly interests you; this will keep you on the keyboard throughout the entire writing process. Everyone you tell about it should be excited, not just you.

It’s possible that the fundamental notion of your book was flawed if you’ve attempted to finish it in the past and failed—possibly more than once. It might have been worth a blog post or an article, but not a whole book. Pick up books with large concepts like harry potter, hunger games, etc.

How can you tell if you have a killer idea? Does it persist in your thoughts, expanding and changing each time you have them, in other words, pass it through trusted family members and friends? Get their opinion and see whether it makes people wonder. Incite “Wows”? Or does it just cause uncomfortable silences?

You’ll recognize the appropriate idea when you come across it because it just makes sense. The most crucial requirement is that your idea must inspire you to write about it. If not, you’ll get bored halfway through and give up.

Analyze Your Options

Before taking any action, consider your publishing options to make the best choices for becoming a published author.

For instance, if your work is accepted by multiple publishing houses, you should carefully compare offers to make the best decision.

A literary agent will guide you through the procedures for getting a book published if you work with them. Do thorough research on the literary agents you have available. Take into account their rates, qualifications, and how well you click with them and your book idea.

Create An Outline For Each Chapter Separately

On a blank sheet, list the topics for each chapter and section. You can worry about the chapter titles later as you’ll merely be organizing your brain at that time.

Think about which details must be included in order to talk about that subject in depth. Can you divide any of those points into smaller ones once you’ve listed them? Do you have any examples you might use to illustrate each point separately?

Give a high-level explanation of each topic (either in a few paragraphs or bullet points), then do the same for each case. If you wish to delve deeper, include references and URLs you can use to dig for more information.

Pick A Title

Contrary to popular perception, you shouldn’t choose a title for your book until you’ve finished the first draft. This is due to the fact that picking a book title first frequently leads to you writing the book that needs to be written rather than writing yourself into a corner.

So you shouldn’t bother about a book title until after you’ve finished writing the first draft. When trying to come up with a title, it’s quite simple to get stuck in “Book Title Land.” Make sure to do everything to avoid falling for this trap. The truth is that shorter titles are preferable. Make sure that you keep the concept of “KISS” (Keep It Stupidly Simple) in mind. This should always be your mantra when coming up with concepts. No matter how brilliant or catchy you think, your title concept is, your target audience will probably not understand it and won’t buy it.

Schedule Your Writing Time Firmly

You should plan to devote at least six hours a week to writing your book.

Whatever works best for you might be broken up into six one-hour sessions, two sessions of three hours, or three sessions of two hours each.

American Author House advise sticking to a routine that can most easily develop a habit (same times, same days). However, if that is not possible, make sure to block off at least six hours so that you can notice actual advancement.

However, if you think that taking some time out is difficult, then you might as well succeed. Taking time out is difficult, but you need to do it for the important things. For a specific reason, we chose the term “carve out” above. You’ll probably need to make a sacrifice in order to make time for writing. Ensure that it isn’t your family; they should always come first.

Set A Budget

This might come a bit later in the process of book publishing, but you need to make sure that you set a budget for how much you want to spend on the book. By setting a budget, you would have a fixed mind for everything, including designing and publishing expenses that you need to get done to the book.


Dream big about the things your book can do for you. When you have a clear idea of where you want your book to go, it will be simpler to seize opportunities when they present themselves. Gaining clarity about your goals will also make it easier for you to grow your network as you travel. If you really want to start writing a book, this guide would have helped you in planning your book.

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