Best App to Read Books for Free: Top Options for Budget Readers
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Best App to Read Books for Free: Top Options for Budget Readers

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  • August 25, 2023
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  • 7 min read


Reading is a great way to spend your free time. It’s entertaining and informative and can help you relax and de-stress. However, buying books can quickly become expensive, especially if you read a lot. Luckily, several book reading apps let you read books for free or cheaply. In this article, we’ll review the best options for budget readers.

Why Use free book reading apps?

Using book reading apps to read books for free has several benefits. First, it’s cost-effective. You can read as many books as you want without spending a dime. Second, it’s convenient. You can access your books on your phone, tablet, or e-reader and take them with you wherever you go. Finally, it’s environmentally friendly. Reading e-books reduces the need for paper books, reducing deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

Top free book reading apps

Several book reading apps let you read books for free or cheaply. Here are our top picks:


Wattpad is a great place to read books without paying a dime. You can find all kinds of genres, from romance to sci-fi, from horror to fantasy, and more. The app has over 100 million users, and over 2 billion reads monthly, so it’s worth checking out.

The app has both paid and free books available for you to read, so you don’t have to worry about finding just one type of book. It also features a wide variety of audiobooks available for download as well as eBooks that you can read aloud with your voice or listen to on your commute or while you’re working out at the gym.

Another great feature of this app is that it allows you to follow other users and authors so you can stay up-to-date with their latest uploads onto the platform.

Kindle Unlimited

Kindle Unlimited is a subscription service that lets you access over a million e-books and audiobooks for a monthly fee. The service costs $9.99 per month and offers a 30-day free trial, similar to some Audible alternatives that also provide free initial access. You can read the books on any device with the Kindle app, including your phone, tablet, or e-reader.


Scribd is an online subscription service offering access to a huge library of e-books, audiobooks and magazines. The company has been around since 2006 and has more than 25 million users across the globe. Scribd offers free membership with limited access to its library, but if you want to read more than 10 books per month, it’s best to subscribe for $8.99 per month (or $99 per year). The website provides users with tools to discover new books based on their preferences, interests, and recommendations from experts and other readers. Users can also create custom collections of their favorite titles so they can easily find them later on any device.


Libby is a great option for an alternative to the Kindle app, and if you’re wondering how to add music to Google Slides, Libby can be an excellent accompaniment for a multimedia experience. It works on iOS and Android devices and doesn’t require extra hardware like Kindles or Fire tablets; you only need an internet connection and a library card! The best part about Libby is that it allows users to borrow audiobooks, too — just check out what’s available in your library system first, so there won’t be duplicates!

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a non-profit organization that offers over 60,000 free e-books, and for those interested in the time commitment, you might consider how how long does it take to read 100 pages. The books are available in several formats, including ePub, Kindle, HTML, and plain text. The app is easy to use and has a simple interface. You can search for books by author, title, or subject.

Kobo Books

Kobo is a popular e-book reader that supports various platforms, including the web and Android devices. It has a user-friendly interface and lots of free books available in its store. Kobo Books features over 5 million titles for your reading pleasure, including popular titles like The Hobbit, Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. Kobo also offers audiobooks and magazines for even more reading options.


The Nook app is popular among readers because it offers access to an extensive library of books and magazines, akin to the best mystery audiobooks for those who enjoy a good thriller on the go. The app also has several features to make your reading experience easier and more enjoyable, including automatic bookmarking and highlighting tools. You can even transfer your documents from other devices using the “Send to B&N” function!

Other Options for Free Books

If you’re looking for more options to read books for free, here are some alternatives:

Public Libraries

Don’t forget about your local public library! Many libraries now offer digital lending services where you can borrow e-books and audiobooks online, a concept further explained in the article on what is a literary magazine. All you need is a library card, and you’ll have access to a wide range of titles. Check your library’s website or inquire at the front desk to learn more about their digital lending services. There are many books available on Book Writing Company digital platform.


BookSwap is a community-driven platform that allows people to exchange books for free. You can create an account, list the books you want to give away and browse the available books from other users. You can arrange a swap with the owner when you find a book you’re interested in. It’s a great way to discover new books and share your favorites with others.

Little Free Library

Little Free Library is a global book-sharing movement where individuals set up small book exchange boxes in their communities, and for those looking to publish their stories, understanding how to submit a book for publishing could be the next step after sharing your drafts. These mini-libraries are usually located in public spaces like parks or neighborhoods. You can take a book you’re interested in and leave one for others to enjoy. It’s a fantastic way to access books for free and promote literacy in your community.

Main Platform/App and Elaborate Information

Platform/App Description Key Features
Wattpad A community-driven platform for free and paid books. Large user base, various genres, audiobooks, and social features.
Kindle Unlimited Subscription service for e-books and audiobooks. Over a million titles, multi-device compatibility, free trial.
Scribd Subscription-based digital library for books, audiobooks, and magazines. Extensive library, recommendation tools, and monthly subscription.
Libby Digital borrowing from local libraries. Works with library cards, includes audiobooks, user-friendly.
Project Gutenberg Non-profit organization offering over 60,000 free e-books. Multiple formats available, easy-to-use interface.
Kobo Books E-book reader and store with millions of titles. User-friendly, supports various platforms, includes audiobooks and magazines.
Nook Digital library with a wide range of books and magazines. Extensive library, bookmarking and highlighting tools, document transfer feature.


Reading books doesn’t have to be an expensive hobby. With the help of various book reading apps and platforms, you can enjoy a vast collection of books without breaking the bank. Whether you prefer classic literature, contemporary novels, or self-help guides, an app or service can cater to your reading preferences. Take advantage of these options and embark on countless reading adventures without worrying about the cost.

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