How to Write Resolution in A Story
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How to Write Resolution in A Story

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  • October 9, 2023
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  • 6 min read


To write a resolution in a story is an important part of creative writing. It means thinking about how you want your story to end and planning for it to happen in a sense-making way. 

The conflict in a novel is resolved during a plot point called the resolution. It consists of the story’s rising action (leading up to the climax) and its subsequent decline (the falling action).

A writer should also consider how the characters might change throughout their journey and what happens between the beginning and end of their stories.

Good resolutions are memorable and leave readers with a sense of accomplishment. They ought to be realistic and attainable.

Key Factors to Write Resolution in a Story

These five components—introduction, development, climax, falling action, and resolution—are the backbone of every compelling story. 

Regardless of the quality of your narrative, your readers will be dissatisfied if the conclusion is unhelpful. 

The ending of a story helps it stick in the minds of readers long after they’ve finished it. This is why it plays such a key role in every story, particularly if you want to attract new readers.

Below are the important factors in writing resolution in a story:

Character Arcs and Development

How your character’s change is key to a good ending? Find out what drives them, what scares them, and what they want. Let your characters go through tough times and come out on top. This will show how they change as the story goes on. 

Readers feel connected to people who change, which makes the conclusion very powerful.

Conflict Resolution

Every gripping story thrives on conflict. The resolution is where these conflicts find their resolution. 

Usually, stories end with the main issue being resolved. In most stories, the main conflict between the main character and the negative ones builds up during the story’s peak and is settled by the end.

It doesn’t matter what type of conflict it is; it must be handled reasonably and emotionally. Also, write a resolution in a story so that people can feel better.

Emotional Resonance

A strong story is built on strong emotions. Fill your goal with real, raw feelings. Whether you want to show happiness, sadness, love, or relief, let your characters’ situations make you feel those things. 

The end should make readers feel a real link to make them engaged.

Crafting Your Resolution: A Step-by-Step Guide

Reflect on the Beginning

Consider the tone, themes, and conflicts introduced at the beginning of your story. A resolution should harmonize with the story’s initial elements, offering a sense of closure and fulfillment.

Avoid Predictability

While resolutions provide closure, avoid cliches and predictable outcomes. Surprise your readers with unexpected twists that challenge their assumptions. Unconventional resolutions leave a lasting impact, making your story memorable.

Balance Closure and Ambiguity

Strike a balance between closure and ambiguity. It’s essential to tie up major plotlines and leave room for interpretation. Ambiguity invites readers to contemplate the story’s deeper meaning, fostering engagement and discussion.

Edit and Polish

Once you’ve crafted your resolution, refine it meticulously. Pay attention to language, pacing, and emotional resonance. Each word should contribute to the overall impact, ensuring your resolution leaves an indelible mark on your readers.

Figure Out Your Subject

American Author House shared different types of stories and had different ideas about how they should end. Do some research on the subject you’re writing about and get to know any tropes so you can use them in your conclusion to support or contradict them.

Resolve The Story

Find questions and lost ends that aren’t solved in your story. Use conclusions to show hidden plot points and pay off story setups from the beginning.

Make The Idea of Your Story Clear

Find the main idea of your story and use that to help you decide how to end it. Use all those ideas to bring out the main idea and write a resolution in a story.

Meet The Expectations of the Genre

Readers expect certain things. As an example, people who read romance books expect the story to have a happy finish. People who read mystery books expect the criminal to be caught and punished. And those who read fantasy books expect the same thing. That good will win over evil is what you can expect.

Allow The Main Character to Change

Your protagonist had some personal issues at the beginning of the novel, but they’ve matured quite a bit. They’ve changed, or at least learned, what makes them genuinely content. 

Therefore, the answer requires them to accept themselves and their circumstances. Over time, though, they understood what was essential to their happiness.

Examples of Writing Different Resolutions

Read these examples of how to write a resolution in a story:

1- “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925): This book ends with a sad ending that gives the writer a new view of the story’s setting and characters.

2- William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” (1597): In the play’s last scene, Romeo and Juliet’s families agree to end their arguments. This dynamic resolution has a sad ending for the main characters and a happy finish for the other characters.

3- “Master and Man” by Leo Tolstoy (1895): Tolstoy ends his short story with a short recap of the rest of a peasant’s life after surviving the main plot’s scary events.

Key Aspects and Profound Details

Aspect Details Importance
Character Arcs and Development Explore what drives the characters, their fears, desires, and how they change throughout the story. Essential for creating a realistic and relatable resolution, showing character growth and satisfying readers.
Conflict Resolution Detail how conflicts build up to the climax and are ultimately resolved. Critical for maintaining narrative tension and providing a satisfying conclusion to the story’s main conflicts.
Emotional Resonance Highlight the importance of infusing the story’s end with genuine emotions. Ensures a lasting impact on the reader, making the story memorable and engaging.
Crafting Your Resolution Offer a step-by-step guide, including reflecting on the beginning, avoiding predictability, balancing closure with ambiguity, and editing. Guides writers to create a thoughtful and impactful ending, enhancing the overall story experience.
Understanding Your Subject Discuss the importance of understanding genre conventions and story themes. Helps tailor the resolution to meet reader expectations and enhances the story’s relevance.
Meeting Genre Expectations Explain how adhering to or subverting genre expectations can affect the resolution. Important for reader satisfaction and setting the right tone for the story’s conclusion.
Examples of Different Resolutions Provide examples from literature to illustrate various resolution strategies. Offers practical insights and inspiration for writers looking to craft their own unique story endings.


The resolution to the primary issue is the heart of the drama readers seek.

Don’t drag it out too much or risk boring your reader to death. About 1% of the plot should be devoted to the resolution. Ensure that the situation is addressed. To find a solution, just write whatever is most convenient. For more tips on ending your story effectively, check out How to End a Short Story: 8 Approaches That Lead to Success.

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